Thursday, March 27, 2008

Work Day

Today was pretty much totally focused on my job tasking, which isn't all that exciting. As a result of working a long day, I can't say I was in all the great of a mood. So I decided that I would go for a walk in the "Backyard" after dinner before sunset. It's still quite overcast around here, and taking a picture of anything and making it look interesting and worthy of framing quite difficult.

I can only describe the backyard as the space between Palmer Station and the Glacier coming down from the island. Its very rocky, all granite from what I can tell. The only vegetation I've seen is some form of Moss on some of the rocks near the sea. I found a colony of some sort of bird to, but have yet to identify them.

The temperature around here still isn't to bad, but we get an occasional wind gust that is pretty harsh. One of them almost blew me over, as I wasn't ready for it. Its kind of neat though, as you can look towards the glacier and see a gust blowing all kinds of snow up, and then watch the ripples in the water as it continues to move towards you.

Another really neat thing here, and kind of depressing at the same time, is to witness the Glacier calving into the water. Its amazing how loud it is. Almost like someone shooting a canon off in the distance. Sometimes you can even feel it, if you are outside. I can't say I've actually seen a piece fall though. I've only heard it, then look out to see a large cloud of snow and ice where it fell, and a significant wave moving away from the site.

So here's the latest picture update. It kind of gives you an idea of where I'm at, and whats around the station. I know I'm not putting up tons of pictures, but like I said, I'm having a hard time getting pictures I'm really prowd of. I've taken about 350 so far probably. Many of them a like, and will provide good memories. But I don't feel many of them on their own have much merit.

I'm hoping for a sunny day so that we can get out on a boat and see some wildlife. There isn't much around the station itself, unfortunately, but i guess there are lots of islands around that provide homes for the local wildlife.

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