Friday, May 16, 2008

Easing into things?

So those of you who have known me for a while, have probably figured out that when I decide to do something, I usually don't start out to small, and work my way up. At least not too much. Well, this past Thursday was no different. Our office had a small, inter-department run / race. Some how I was cajoled into participating on a team with my fellow Information Security comrades. I figured, I used to run in Highschool and College, and I remembered that I was pretty decent at it (especially the 400m). I shouldn't have to much of a problem pushing myself through a 7.5k (4.65 miles) run. I realized I haven't run anything serious since 1998, but I've been biking... granted not much since I moved, but hey... I know how to suffer... I could do it.

Well, Here's me after the 1st of 3 laps around the 1.55 mile loop. The first .75 miles seemed pretty good, but I suddenly hit a wall. I was keeping up with others until then. This is a classic stunt of mine. Those of you who had the joy of riding bikes with me can probably figure out that this is a common practice of mine. I wasn't feeling too great here in the photo, but at least my head was up and I was looking where I was going.

Coming around on the second lap... Not looking so good, and feeling worse. My eyes are fixed in the ground in front of me... but the fact that both feet are off the ground at the same time shows I was still actually running. Actually, I was just trying to make it look good for the camera, and barely succeeding. Uhhhgggg, one more lap to go.

So I did actually finish, and here's a photo of my team... the other two guys carried our team well, and are great motivators. I'd run with them again any day... well, I'll run behind them again at least. Overall though, I was happy with what I did. I was aiming for 10 minute miles as a goal, and I was just slightly over. The trick now is to keep running. The problem is that I currently can barely move. I can't say I ever remember having delayed onset muscle soreness this bad. Going to try and get out for a bike ride tomorrow to see if I can flush anything out of my legs.

So have I learned anything? Probably not. I knew I would hurt afterwards (not this much though). Will I try to ease into something in the future? Maybe, but doubtful. I stopped learning new tricks a while ago, but I fear my aging body my demand I treat it better. I guess the thing now though, is keep up with some kind of running / jogging so all this pain doesn't go to waste. I have some nice trails (with massive hills) just down the street that lots of people exercise on. I suppose I should too. Just as soon as I can comfortable stand up again.

In retrospect of the whole thing though, it was certianly worth it. The feeling you get after a run (commonly refered to as a runners high) was something I had long forgotten, and certainly welcomed back. For those of you out there thinking about exersizing to get into shape, stop thinking and go do! You'll be better for it.

1 comment:

MarkRebuck said...

Ahhhh... Reminds me of the time you joined me for the run portion of a BRICK (Bike, followed by Run... ICK! for those who don't know.)

The first 400m of that run were about the fastest I've ever done... You surely do take it out fast!