This will probably be my last post from South America, and probably my last post for at least a little while, but not to long I hope. In just under 72 hours, I'll be landing in Denver, CO. It will be great to see the mountains rising over horizon near my house again, not to mention my family of course. Missing my family was (and still is) the hardest thing about this trip. I'd say coming in at second though, is the food. They just don't use much "flavor" here. A lot of times meat is just cooked "Al la Plancha" or Pan fried in butter. That's just not my thing.
If you were to ask me if I would ever come back here on my own dime? Possibly, but not for what this Port City has to offer. It would simply be a stop on a Journey to Tierre Del Fuego, or Torres de Piane. I had a co-worker head up to the Torres last week, and he came back and said that it was really cool there. He didn't get to hike every where he wanted due to snow and Avalanche Danger, but what he did have to say about his experience was very positive. It would be interesting to try and bike all the way down the west coast of South America or something. You couldn't stay in Chile the whole way, once you get south of Puerto Mont, you are pretty much forced into Argentina. But it might be interesting to try.
In closing, here are a few pictures of this little city.

A fire truck parked in front of one of the many fire houses around. This one is pretty typical looking of most of the apparatus. I didn't get to talk to any of the firemen around, as I never actually saw any.

Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to be allowed to climb the science mast of the Nathaniel B. Palmer. Here's a view of part of the city. The little thing on the right of the photo is a wind sensor, I'm told they be replacing windbirds with these things... pretty cool. I'll probably crop it out of the picture once I get home.

Here's a picture of the monument of Magellan that's in the square in front of my hotel. I decided to have a little fun with night time shooting.
Hi Gerit,
Love the pic of Magellen.
As to the cup being too big, I love it. Great sense of humor.
I'll be waiting and watching for you to get back home. Post some pics of your family, okay?
I'll be waiting for 7 Random Facts about Gerit.
Tu estas en mi tierra.
Si llegas a Colombia, por favor, mete los fotos aqui!~
Hi, I just found your blog.......I hope that you are enjoying SA.
It really is very beautiful. Most Americans think that SA is what they see in Romancing the Stone........
Thank you so much for coming by the blog and answering my odd question!
Hope to see more of you.
Have a safe trip.
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